£20 for 5kg of Chicken Breasts 🤯

£20 for 5kg of Chicken Breasts
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This email was sent February 13, 2024 6:31pm

Muscle Food presents an exclusive deal – £20 for 5kg of Chicken Breasts, a 50% discount from its £40 value. This limited-time offer, provides a substantial saving on high-quality protein. The email encourages recipients to seize the opportunity and shop now for this discounted 5kg Chicken Breast package.

Email Text Version:

50% off. Worth £40. Limited time only! ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 

Limited Offer

5kg Chicken Breast, Worth: £40  Now £20

Shop Now

  • Muscle Food – £20
  • Tesco – £31.56
  • Aldi – £31.56
  • Asda – £29.50

Shop Now

Email Key Summary:

  1. Offer Details: £20 for 5kg Chicken Breasts.
  2. Discount Percentage: 50% off from £40.
  3. Limited Time: Urgency emphasized for immediate action.
  4. MuscleFood Promotion: Presented as a limited-time offer.
  5. Value Proposition: Highlighting the £20 price against the original £40 value.
  6. Encouragement to Act: Direct call-to-action to “Shop Now.”
  7. Brand Comparison: Suggests comparing with supermarket prices.
  8. High-Quality Protein: Emphasis on the nutritional value of 5kg Chicken Breast.
  9. Engagement: Prompts recipients to claim their brand on Milled for potential benefits.